Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life is a balance sheet

ever since my dad learned to use email, i've been getting forwarded messages from him almost everyday. and where do these messages originate? from his friends and relatives, those who've retired, sitting at home all day looking for cool and interesting things on the internet to pass time. and in turn, passes their findings to their friends and family via email. if we went back to the good old days of stamp mailing, they would probably think twice before hitting the "send" button.

anyhow, this entry is not to complain about getting forwarded messages from my dad because this is a way for him to stay in touch with me despite the distance and time difference. his emails show the importance of family and the value of sharing something with someone that you really care about.

and this brings back to my point about sharing... so i am sharing with you an email forwarded to me by my dad. it's a lesson about life and when you get to a certain point of your time in life, some of these will start to make sense (or if you are an accountant).

Our Birth is our Opening Balance!
Our Death is our Closing Balance!
Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities.
Our Creative Ideas are our Assets.

Heart is our Current Asset.
Soul is our Fixed Asset.
Brain is our Fixed Deposit.
Thinking is our Current Account.

Achievements are our Capital.
Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade.
Friends are our General Reserves.
Values & Behaviour are our Goodwill.

Patience is our Interest Earned.
Love is our Dividend.
Children are our Bonus Issues.
Education is Brands / Patents.

Knowledge is our Investment.
Experience is our Premium Account.
The aim is to tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.
The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.

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