Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Observations About Hong Kongers

after spending two and a half years in hong kong, i've noticed several interesting, yet consistent behaviours across hong kong people. i've somewhat adopted some of these attributes myself, so i am as guilty as the guy next door.

observation 1:
things seem to either merge or divert away from one another despite the busy road traffic. examples, an old lady pushing a cart loaded with cardboard boxes walking towards a two-storey bus full of passengers going 50 clicks an hour seamlessly bypass one another with only a few inches between them.

observation 2:
people walking like living zombies commuting to and from work. before work - their minds are probably still asleep while their body mechanics does all the work and somehow gets them to work. after work - they are probably still worried about the workload that is sitting on their desk or what an awful day they've had while AGAIN, their body mechanics rushes to get the hell out of the office and as far away rom the office as possible.

observation 3:
there no such thing as "too fast" in hong kong. examples, the mini van driver flooring the gas before you completely get out the door OR sales clerk greeting you by saying "hi, wel to 11. feel look round", which in full reads. "hi, welcome to 7/11. Feel free to have a look around." The worst is when you are in a rush, no matter how fast you walk or how well you maneuver around the crowd, there will always be someone, somewhere that will eventually slow you down.


Unknown said...

Dude! It's the same elsewhere... like... in Malaysia?

Kevin On said...

even the lady pushing stuff towards to 2-storey bus???

Unknown said...

... we don't have double-deck buses here, but in terms of walking or doing stuff dangerously, there are always such people around. :-p